Saturday, September 22, 2007

chug a lug!

My hankering for 'margarita' is simply beyond craving. The lemon does the trick, i might say, and the salt just makes it more tempting. Drinking too much till you get that hazy and falling sensation shouldn't be your target though cause you'll probably end up making out with the least person in your mind. Not a good sight! One sip, and another wouldn't harm..and a few more is permissible. The moment that your cocktail starts kicking in, then you gotta take a breather and grab some nachos to ease down the rush of alcohol. Quench your thirst with a glass or two or more if you're a heavyweight drinker but with just enough bite for you to loosen up, but not too much to create a montage of appalling sloshed scenes. I'm telling you, you don't wanna wake up saying, "did i do something stupid last night?". And your friends will consequently give you that bizarre look till you get cranky..then they burst into laughter..and your question will remain unanswered forever..or till pictures of you start popping out in your mail..haha And if you're planning to get really jaded with your friends at a bar that offers alcohol of your choice at a cut-rate deal, please leave your cameras at home.. haha.. If you haven't tried margarita then you're missing out on the good stuff there is.. go get a sip..then tell me about it... ciao!

1 comment:

Tata said...

drinking with friends will always be fun! let's do that again!